#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Author: İsmail BAŞARAN import imp import os from base.Scope import Scope from base.plugin.Plugin import Plugin from base.plugin.PluginQueue import PluginQueue from base.model.PluginKillSignal import PluginKillSignal # TODO create base abstract class class PluginManager(object): """docstring for PluginManager""" # implement logger def __init__(self): super(PluginManager, self).__init__() self.scope = Scope.getInstance() self.configManager = self.scope.getConfigurationManager() self.db_service = self.scope.getDbService() self.plugins = [] self.pluginQueueDict = dict() self.logger = self.scope.getLogger() #TODO version? def loadPlugins(self): """ This method loads plugins """ self.logger.info('[PluginManager] Loading plugins...') self.plugins = [] self.logger.debug('[PluginManager] Lookup for possible plugins...') possibleplugins = os.listdir(self.configManager.get("PLUGIN", "pluginFolderPath")) self.logger.debug('[PluginManager] Possible plugins.. ' + str(possibleplugins)) for pname in possibleplugins: location = os.path.join(self.configManager.get("PLUGIN", "pluginFolderPath"), pname) if not os.path.isdir(location) or not self.configManager.get("PLUGIN", "mainModuleName") + ".py" in os.listdir(location): self.logger.debug('It is not a plugin location ! There is no main module - ' + str(location)) continue try: self.loadSinglePlugin(pname) except Exception as e: self.logger.error('Exception occured when loading plugin ! Plugin name : ' + str(pname) + ' Exception : ' + str(e)) self.logger.info('[PluginManager] Loaded plugins successfully.') def loadSinglePlugin(self, pluginName): # TODO check already loaded plugin self.pluginQueueDict[pluginName] = PluginQueue() plugin = Plugin(pluginName, self.pluginQueueDict[pluginName]) plugin.setDaemon(True) plugin.start() self.plugins.append(plugin) def findCommand(self, pluginName, commandId): location = os.path.join(self.configManager.get("PLUGIN", "pluginFolderPath"), pluginName) if os.path.isdir(location) and commandId + ".py" in os.listdir(location): info = imp.find_module(commandId, [location]) return imp.load_module(commandId, *info) else: self.logger.warning('Command id -' + commandId + ' - not found') return None def processTask(self, task): try: if task.get_plugin().get_name().lower() in self.pluginQueueDict: self.pluginQueueDict[task.get_plugin().get_name().lower()].put(task, 1) except Exception as e: # TODO update task - status to not found command self.logger.error("[PluginManager] Exception occurred when processing task " + str(e)) def reloadPlugins(self): #TODO try: self.logger.info('[PluginManager] Reloading plugins... ') kill_sgnl = PluginKillSignal() for p_queue in self.pluginQueueDict: p_queue.put(kill_sgnl) self.plugins = [] self.loadPlugins() self.logger.info('[PluginManager] Plugin reloaded successfully.') except Exception as e: self.logger.error('[PluginManager] Exception occurred when reloading plugins ' + str(e)) def findPolicyModule(self, plugin_name): location = os.path.join(self.configManager.get("PLUGIN", "pluginFolderPath"), plugin_name) if os.path.isdir(location) and "policy.py" in os.listdir(location): info = imp.find_module("policy", [location]) return imp.load_module("policy", *info) else: self.logger.warning('[PluginManager] policy.py not found Plugin Name : ' + str(plugin_name)) return None def processPolicy(self, policy): #TODO do you need username in profile? username = policy.username ahenk_profiles = policy.ahenk_profiles user_profiles = policy.user_profiles if ahenk_profiles is not None: for profile in ahenk_profiles: profile.set_username(None) self.process_profile(profile) if user_profiles is not None: for profile in user_profiles: profile.set_username(username) self.process_profile(profile) def process_profile(self, profile): try: plugin = profile.get_plugin() plugin_name = plugin.get_name() if plugin_name in self.pluginQueueDict: self.pluginQueueDict[plugin_name].put(profile, 1) except Exception as e: print("Exception occured..") self.logger.error("Policy profile not processed " + str(profile.plugin.name)) def checkPluginExists(self, plugin_name, version=None): criteria = ' name=\''+plugin_name+'\'' if version is not None: criteria += ' and version=\'' + str(version) + '\'' result = self.db_service.select('plugin', 'name', criteria) if result is None: return False else: return True def reloadSinglePlugin(self, pluginName): # Not implemented yet pass def checkCommandExist(self, pluginName, commandId): # Not implemented yet pass def printQueueSize(self): print("size " + str(len(self.pluginQueueDict)))